17 February 2025

Lost Johns - Bottom - Dome and Centipede Exchange

Darren Jarvis

Date: Sunday 16th February 2024 
Weather: Cold, Dry
Attending: Myself (Darren), Adrian Turner, David Hounslow, Mark Rushton, Alistair Rollison (Lumens), Gareth Harrison 

A fantastic trip down this classic pothole, we split into two teams with Al, Mark and Adrian flying down centipede and carrying on to rig to the master cave. We were tasked with rigging Dome route, Gareth taking the lead and doing a fantastic job.

Soon we found ourselves on battle-axe and could hear the others ahead, impeccable timing aye? I forgot how gnarly the traverse can be in places and almost uttered the "i'll wait here" but carried on. 

Once at the very bottom we had a quick jaunt to the master cave before beginning the return journey, we decided to switch routes with our team derigging the bottom and centipede while the others took on Dome 

Gareth again took responsibility for the de-rigging while me and Dave H carried the bags out. All efficient on the way out with the only moment being the tight rope on mud pitch meaning some faf getting our chest jammers on, brute force prevailed and out we went into a bright but cold afternoon

Total trip time for us was about 5 hours with no issues encountered

Lost Johns is a fantastic trip and comes highly recommended to those who haven't yet had the pleasure 

Myself on the way down Dome (Photo credit: Dave H) 


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